Van Conversion

We supply Vans

We stock 144 Sprinter AWDs and can also work with Mercedes and Ford dealerships to source you the van you want.

Bring in your van

The Sherpa and Jade are engineered for Transits and Sprinters, but we don’t stop there.

We also work on VW’s, Promasters, Mini Vans, Busses and RV’s…

Used vans as well as new vans.

Blank canvas and retrofits.



$32,999 on a VLC van
$37,999 BYOV

Sprinter 144 / Transit 148

A foundation and finished interior ready for daily adventure and modular additions.

  • Insulation

  • 2Tec2 Foundation Floor and Trim Kit

  • Upholstered Wall and Ceiling package with Hexaply lowers

  • Prewiring for all Sherpa components to plug in

  • DIY ready


$70,999 on a VLC van
or $79,999 BYOV

Sprinter 144 / Transit 148

A modular conversion build for simple adventure.

  • Mod Foundation

  • Seat 2 Sleep 2

    • Raising Queen Bed

  • 400 Ah Lithium

  • 400 W Solar and Roof Rack

  • Winter Sink and Fridge

  • Kitchen Cabinets

  • Bike Rack Ladder Combo

  • Swivels

  • Shark Mount B Pillar Lagun Table Bracket


$81,999 on a VLC van
$91,999 BYOV

Sprinter 170 Std/Transit Ext

A modular conversion build for family adventure.

  • Mod Foundation

  • Seat 4 Sleep 4

    • Raising Queen Bed

    • Convertible dining booth

  • 360 Ah Juicebox

  • 400 W Solar and Roof Rack

  • Winter Sink and Fridge

  • Kitchen Cabinets

  • Bike Rack Ladder Combo

  • Swivels

  • Shark Mount B Pillar Lagun Table Bracket

  • Booth Bed/Dinette


Standard Add-ons for
Sherpa and Jade

  • Exterior Package

  • Roof Rack

  • Ladder

  • Fiamma Awning

  • Running Boards

  • Extra Freedman Seat
    (2 seatbelts)

  • 800AH battery system

  • 22 Gal Craftsman Water Cabinet

  • Outback Shower

  • 2.5 Gal Water Heater

  • Window Shades

  • Bug Nets

Step 1:

Let’s chat about your wants/needs/must-haves.
Does one of our standards fit with your vision? Do one or two custom details get you there? Or do you want to go with a full custom?

Step 2:

Identify your van. If you get a van from us with a standard build, there is a package discount. You are also welcome to bring your own van in for upfit.

Step 3:

Design Deposit, then Build Deposit. We’ll schedule you according to the queue for your build type.

Lane 1: Sherpa Builds — Purchase a Sherpa Sprinter that’s finished, in progress, or sign up for a designated slot. Add-ons are welcome.

Lane 2: Semi Custom — Transits, BYOV and Jades

Lane 3: Full Custom — Anything goes

Lane 4: Diag and Upfit — Quick add-ons, fixes and retrofits. We reserve time for shorter term service

Step 3:

We build

2024 Family Jade

Bids vs Estimates


Full and Partial Build

There is always a Sherpa van in finished and in progress.

Chose among the van chassis in the pipeline and get priority on standard add-ons.

Pricing is bid and predetermined

Full and Partial Build
Bid-Estimate Hybrid

Go a step farther and add custom fabricated components.

Pricing is predictable using the modular Sherpa and Jade foundations.

Custom add-ons are welcome, and will be billed on a dynamic time and materials basis.

We charge for design time on new fabrication. We can also install components from any company.

Full Custom Builds

Express your creativity to its fullest.

We still use the foundational building blocks that make sense, while also departing from the norm to embark upon your visionary quest. You have full creative freedom.

Once we have a mutual sense of scope, we ask for a $2.5k deposit to start the design process. After modeling your build in CAD and refining it with you, we will detail a materials list, verify color choices, and give you an estimate on materials cost and a rough estimate on labor. The final price will be based on time and materials.

Full custom conversions


A fully built conversion usually ranges from $65k to $120k.

Partial Custom is also available

  1. Concept Consultation

  2. Design Deposit

  3. Design Meeting

  4. CAD iterations

  5. Build Start